Saturday started off with a visit to my Mum who is feeling a bit under the weather at the moment, but by the time we left she was feeling a lot perkier, thank goodness.
The rest of the time, apart from cooking ect., and watching Dancing on Ice, I spent drawing in my sketchbook using a charcoal pencil for the first time........yuck now that is messy, so I sprayed it afterwards with hairspray to try and seal it.
Also was finishing off week 3 of the The Strathmore On line Workshop with Pam Carriker. I think there is possibly one week left to go on this project before the page is finished. This workshop asks you to use your own artwork but in a different way........ to be honest am not sure if am doing it correctly but we will see once we see week 4 when all the added extras will go on plus some highlighting........all great fun, especially when you know you are pants at drawing and can only get better................hopefully...... So am showing you them anyway......why should I be the only one to suffer...........lol
Thanks for popping in........I bet you wish you hadn't now..........lol Have a great week, take care and will see you all later. Annette x
Nettie, what are you talking about, your work is good! Hope your Mum soon feels better. Keep up the good work! Hugs, Valerie
Art is art and your experiments and sketches are fabulous. I love your work so keep playing to give us all inspiration.
Hope Mum is better now.
Have a good week.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
You are such an adventurous artist, Netty, taking these online courses. I like your sketches, especially the ones in color. Charcoal is probably the messiest medium I know. But chalk pastels come in with a close second. I think pastels is probably one of my favorites, but I hate the dusty feeling on my fingers.
Hope your mother is doing much better. Just seeing you probably made a huge difference. I haven't seen my daughter in over 3 1/2 years.
Glad your mum was a bit perkier (horrible feeling down). Your stuff is brilliant and of course you can draw we have all seen proof of the pudding. Fabby work it is great how you always do different techniques x
These look fabulous Netty and I can't imagine why you think you're pants at drawing cos they look so good to me!
The coloured page looks as good as stuff in Somerset Studio, my favourite mag.
Hope your Mum is feeling much better soon too.
Fab piece Netty! Love your sketch drawning!
You are better at drawing than I am - that's why I love stamping so much!
I love charcoal as you can smudge and get in a lovely mess when working with it, lovin' your dreamy pics, hope your mum gets better soon
hugs x
Netty, this is just so creative and wonderful. I truly enjoy seeing what you create, such a pleasure.
I always love seeing your art, no matter what it is! Keep it up!
your artwork looks wonderful--I didn't know you had this free-hand sketch side to you---every day I'm learning something new about my blogging friends.
Sorry your Mother is a little under the weather hope she is better today.
Your drawings are lovely have a wonderful dreamy feel such pretty ladies of leisure. No one looking at your drawings would realise that really they are stong women who can and have coped with all life can chuck at them. OK time to stop dreaming on your page LOL XOXO Zoe
Hi Netty. Oh I love your creations! Your sketch reminds me of ones I used to do as a teen with charcoal pencils....wow, were my fingers black! xx Jenny xx
We need a build your confidence class for you, your art is fabulous, keep wowing us girl. Hope your Mom is feeling better soon.
Interesting drawings, I like them a lot. Good to hear that your Mum feels a bit better now. All the best wishes.
Glad your Mum is feeling a bit better Annette.
Great drawings - love your adventurous spirit.
Edna x
I am thrilled as always that I popped in. I love that you share your work with us. Glad your mum's feeling better.
If you are pants at drawing then your pants are better than my pants.
These pieces look really professional... gorgeous colours too. Are you doing the course run by Crescendoh...I think they are running one by the same artist?
Sue xx
Nettie, they are fabulous as always. Love your charcoal one. xx
Love your drawings Annette. I like charcoal BECAUSE it is messy LOL!
gorgeous Netty - you certainly haven't been pants at drawing here. it's amazing what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.
and you draw as well as your other talents, I am impressed, Annette!
Netty, you are just too fun! I love your art and I find you and your art always an inspiration! Both of these projects are fabulous! Have a great evening!
these are fabulous I like them both, your drawing is just getting better and better keep up the good work my friend.
Kevin xx
Your always amaze me. I just love popping in and seeing what you are up too.. You my friend are a true artist.. Hope your Mom is feeling better..
Hugs, Linda
I think it's wonderful that you have the opportunity to explore different kinds of art. Who know what we are capable of until we try. So good for you and I think your drawings are terrific - I certainly couldn't produce art like that. So keep moving forward, my dear, we are with you all the way, and maybe you will even inspire some of your readers stretch themselves like you are.
These are great for your first ones! And hope your Mum is better!
Sorry I'm way behind Nettie!
I love your drawings, esoecially that coloured one. It's superb. Have you noticed I'm trying to put some of my own drawings of faces into my work. Like you I don't think they're very good. We'll get there together. You've made a fantastic start.
Hope you Mum is better.
Hugs xx
stunning creations.netty.i love your charcoal drawing :D
xx coops xx
I think your page and sketch are just wonderful, you should be proud of them :D
Just beautiful and love the "Now is the time for Dreaming!!"
Ohh..I likey! Just love your page Nettie, would love to do some on-line classes too, they sound fab. Your work is so inspiring, and unusual.
Hope your Mum is feeling better.
Hugs, Donna x
Netty, these are lovely! I wish I could draw and paint like this! Hope your Mom is feeling better!
Love your charcoal drawing. Hope your mum is feeling better soon. Kathleen x
I think they are both wonderful!
Gorgeous you are so talented, i hope you mum is better hugs pops x x x
Your drawing looks wonderful, wish I could draw, too.
These are great Annette !
i think your page is looking wonderful! i love the metallic bits you've added! hope your mum is feeling better soon...
you can get charcoal pencils is different hardnesses..a harder charcoal will be less messy...better for drawing..soft charcoal for shading...
You're more than welcome to come for a couple weeks! Wouldn't we have fun?? Little sleep but lots of creating!!!! Woo-hoo!
Your charcoal work is brilliant and love the enchanted faces for your journal work Netty. Wonderful expression and design in all that you do!
Your drawings look fabulous! You are so multi talented, seems you can do everything :)
At least you're following your artistic muse, it's quite a journey, isn't it? I love the face on your girl in the topiary. I think they are wonderful.
Wow can you draw.. I wish I could do that.. Hope your Mum is feeling better soon.. Have a wonderful day.
SUFFER? Those are gorgeous! I love them!
Sorry I missed this. I have been buried in bits of paper trying to simplify and organize my work spaces. I am envious of your art ability but in a good way. My friend has been taking lessons for years and shares with me her teachings. I know there is so much technique, practice and skill that goes into drawing a face. Yours are wonderful! Never feel shy about showing your work. Watching your journey is a special treat. Thank you for sharing.
stunningly gorgeous art! wishing you many good days and love to Mum. xo
These look great Netty! I am also "taking" the strathmore class, I put it in quotes as I haven't actually done anything except watch the videos. What you are doing looks right to me.
Hi Netty I've had a lovely catch up with your gorgeous creations. Just love your latest tag & your art journal pages are inspiring. Can't wait to see more. Have fun. Gez.xx
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