My Blogging Friends

Friday, 16 September 2011


Hi, first huge apologies for not posting anything this week apart from the Scarecrows, but its been so busy here at home  like you would never believe.  Consequently am late for Paint Party Friday and its going to take me all weekend and beyond to catch up with all your blogs, but I will get there I promise.

Today everything am showing are Works in Progress as I have just been playing with my paints and experimenting.

This is my second ACEO and as you can see its not quite finished.

This is an experiment of freestyle painting on a Beer Mat..........

and this is a page from my Art Journal.........the heads need more work doing to them and am not sure what else will happen on this page.

Wishing you all a smashing weekend.  Mine is going to be spent Baking and catching up with chores plus laying  loads of conkers I collected to keep the spiders out of the home as I hate spiders.  Take care and promise I will be visiting you all soon.  Hugs Annette x


G Peplow said...

Hi Annette, Glorious paintings, love the trees and all the others look so interesting, love to watch their progress. Why would you need conkers to keep spiders away? I ask because I hate the darn things LOL Spiders thatis!! Gay xxx

Zoechaos said...

These are fresh and exciting, especially love the beer mat looking forward to seeing them complete but for now sounds like you have you hands full. XOXO Zoe

Anonymous said...

thankyou so much for sharing your works in progress, they are all amazing, the beer mat is really cool, what a great idea,, love the aceo,,

Heidi said...

They are amazing!
Exiting work:)
Have a great weekend Netty.
Hugs, Heidi:)

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely painting Annette, sorry you have had such a busy week. And did you say spiders.....I HATE them!

Faye said...

You are off to a great start on your WIP, Netty. I like the bright colors in the ACEO. Are people calling them ACEO now instead of ATCs? Anyway, I love the streams of color.

Lilac & Lavender said...

Always like seeing works in progress... Love that you experimented on a beer mat! I've been known to do very detailed sketches around my to-do lists... instead of doing what was on the list! Hope you have a great weekend!

Heather said...

oooh that colored forest is really cool. I like the last one, too! with the silouhettes. NICE! not sure what a beer mat is! :)
happy ppf!

cheryl said...

oh just love these paintings hun especially love the faces they are great,hugs cherylxxxxx

Joni Nickrent said...

Lovin' the bold colors of the forest...all awesome work! Happy PPF!POP ART MINIS

Marja's Stamp Addiction en Marja's Creativity said...

Anette your paints and experiments are just already beautiful. I look forweard to see them ready.
have a nice weekend and lovely greet

Doreen said...

Three gorgeous projects Annette,love the colours of the

Fliss said...

These are gorgeous Netty and especially love your journal page as the heads look stunning on the background.
Have a lovely weekend.
Hugs, Fliss xx

Jennie Atkinson said...

Exciting paintings - love the beer mat! Enjoy your weekend.

PS Didn't realise conkers keep spiders away - something learnt every day!

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Wonderful painting, love the bright colors.

Sharon said...

Great works in progess Netty! Love the freestyle painting - very eye catching!

Abela said...

Very good work three, maybe I'll take the experiment with the coaster. Saludos

Christine said...

Lovely paintings, the reds really pop.

Dragon said...

It's nice to see the just for fun pieces, or ones that are just beginning.. thanks for sharing

Mary C. Nasser said...

Wonderfully fresh paintings!
Fabulous colors!
Happy PPF!!

MarleneMAZ said...

These are all great, love the variety of styles you are painting. Have a great weekend :)

Annette said...

Oh you are on a roll and anxious to see where you are going with them. Conkers? Ok you have to tell this Texas girl what is a conker ? I know nasty spiders. And Baking? Hang loose will be right over, I use to bake tons but my hips loved it to much. Have a great weekend. xoxox

Ileana said...

Beautiful paintings! Love the vibrant colors but the ladies in blue are my favorite. Can't wait to see them finished!

Giggles said...

Love the color combination on the trees, pretty. Quite a variation you have this week!! Nice!!

I too despise the nasty little creatures!

Have a great weekend!

Hugs Giggles

GlorV1 said...

Hi Nettie. Hope all is good for you. Happy PPF! I like all your works in progress and that beer mat is awesome. Love the two heads as well. Great pieces. Have a wonderful weekend.

Leovi said...

Delicious compositions. I really like the colors.

Teri said...

Your paintings are very intriguing.I especially love the one with the heads.

McCrafty's Cards said...

These are all fabulous Annette, but my favorite has to be the heads.
Kevin xx

Geckostone said...

Oh I love all three of these! Wow a beer mat, what a great idea! I can't wait to see them finished! Love the aceo the best! You need a lizard to get rid of those house spiders, lol!Deb

Gerri Herbst said...

Such unusual painting or starts of paintings today. Loved yr scarcrow post too! Outragous and so much fun. take care, gerri

Janet said...

I really like the blue heads. They look great. In fact, everything looks good. I like seeing works in progress.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Cool works in progress. All the experiments are going in different directions. Have fun! :)

Unknown said...

i love that you are rockin' the beer mats.



Mary Hysong said...

Love all of them; hope to see them finished. Also adored the scarecrows, how fun! Of course I must ask and show my ignorance; what are conkers?

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my Sunflowers, Happy PPf!

Daniele said...

I've that before about conkers but thought it was an old wives tale, must work if you're doing it, just hope the kids don't come along and pinch them all.Love the vibrancy of the colours that you are working with, brightens up tese dark mornings

Laura said...

These paint pieces are looking very interesting. Hope you find time this weekend to play more too! Never heard the connection between conkers as spider deterrents. Tell us more?

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful paintings ~ (despite all your other events) ~ so glad to see you here ~ Have a great weekend! ~thanks ~ namaste, Carol ~ Happy PPF ^_^ (Share the Creative Journey)

G Peplow said...

Thank you so much for your lovely comments and info on conkers and spiders, Yipppeee now I can banish the little blighters from my house. Just asked hubby to go conkering with me this aft, you should have seen his face, it was a picture LOL Gay xxx

Karen Isaacson said...

loving all three of these pieces - such great colors and composition. great idea to use the beer coaster. makes me realize I have a stack of them somewhere in the basement - time to go hunting!

Unknown said...

LOVE your wip's, all three of them most especially the trees- those colors are FAB!
And please tell me more abut how conkers keep spiders away......I HATE spiders!

Von said...

The days just aren't long enough are they Annette ! Have a good weekend and await to see the finished creations :)
Von xxx

coops said...

these are brilliant netty.i love your 2nd painting, its got a very ghostly feel :D

xx coops xx

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

REally awesome wip's. :) I love the black and red contrast.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nettie! Love the trees and the warm rich colors! Your freestyle painting is fab! I didn't get around to PPF this week as I was out of town. Hopefully I'll have something for next week. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs xo ~ Rhonda

wednesday said...

I'm loving this free form painting you have going on. Keep it up.

2amscrapper said...

your art amazes me. such talent

Jenny said...

Oooh I really like the second one on the beer mat...very mysterious and ethereal. Hope you've been busy in a good way :)xx

SHERI COOK said...

I really like the colors and composition of the first piece. Can't wait to see what you do next with it. Happy PPF!

Annabelle said...

Netty, I didn't know conkers , I assume are horse chestnuts keep long legged beasties away but I did get a few down the road the other day thinking them to be black walnuts for my crafts only to turn out to be chestnuts attracting a little chipmunk to stealing them and the acorns I collected from my garage stash. Of course the kids said that I was the thief and he deservedly has every right to them. So I kept a few for my crafts and left the rest for him to hoard....loveable little critter!

p.s. With so many medical appointments and errands I find my time for PPF limited but I try to fit it in somehow, to be frank slipping a bit but in time will be back full throttle....I hope : } Take care

Your aceo is very lively, like all the wip. Keep busy, a very good thing!

EVA said...

These are wonderful! Love the beermat and especially love the boldness and contrast of the "Heads".

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Love the colorful trees! I just played around with the links to 150 design blogs link,,,,maybe try again. Thanks so much for letting me know it did not function from your had worked for me but I did them a bit differently now...hpe this helped you:) Have a nice SUnday evening.

maxine said...

Hi Annette great work hugs maxine x

Kim Dellow said...

I could have sworn, I'ld left you a comment already! Well I'll try again! Blogger was probably flipping out. I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying your paintings! So fabulous. Kim

Hybrid J said...

It's always fun to look at other people's WIP ... a great place to learn and pick up skill for trying. Thank you for sharing! ;)

Andrea C said...

Your art pieces are all great but I particularly love the beer mat there is something wistful and magnificent about it Hope you had fun baking x

Anonymous said...

I love the bold colors of the first one and the second is very mysterious, wonderful wips.

Anonymous said...

Fun pieces. I like the beer mat!

angelself said...

Lovely to see you letting your creativity flow in so many different ways. Your blue and white figures are calling to me...wonderful! =)

angelself said...

ps- You asked about my angel relief made from spackling. It is the paste you use to patch small holes in walls ;) Kathryn

Anonymous said...

The red of those trees is just gorgeous! I like the beer mat idea too!

1CardCreator said...

Love these Annette. Please share what a conker is and do they really keep spiders out of the house?