My Blogging Friends

Friday, 23 September 2011

Work in Progress and another LIM Card

Hi, hope you are all having a good Friday and looking forward to the weekend.

First I would like to show you another Less Is More Card and hope the girls have achieved their goal of 1,000 entries.  Products used are: Pringle Hill Studios, Molly Blooms and a Bottle Top.  I apologise about the photograph but these tall/narrow cards are the very devil to photograph.  It may look better if you can enlarge it by clicking it..............

I have been busy doing lots of bits and pieces (mostly half finished........sob sob) and am not getting very far with this painting as I could not make up my mind how to do it, so rather than bore you to death with the details am showing you it in a block of 4 from the beginning to how it is at present. 

Am hoping to get this complete before Monday, I just need to knuckle down to it as I keep flitting about from one thing to another................Paint Party Friday is a great blog to visit where there are some very accomplished artists and I love viewing their work.

Take care of yourselves and thank you for your wonderful support.  Hugs Annette xx


Healing Woman said...

So far, your lovely painting is very "Monet" looking. It has the potential to be a real show stopper.

Yes, sometimes less is more. In the case of your card it definitely is. The balance seems perfect on this one Netty~

Sharon said...

What a great LIM card - love that image from Gecj=ko Galz - great colours!
Love your painting as well Netty! Hope you have a great weekend!

ger chouinard said...

LOVE your painting Netty! Get it done :) can't wait to see the hats you create on those ladies ... love the colors! Happy PPF

Doreen said...

I love how you painting is coming along Annette.Your LiM card is

Crystal said...

The card is wonderful and the WIP is looking fantastic! :-)

carol l mckenna said...

Love the card ! Love less is more! and your painting is coming ~ trust the process ( you know that) and let it come ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) and Happy PPF ^_^

Christine said...

your wip is coming along nicely, great idea to show it in a block of 4. And love your less is more.

Pam said...

Great colors on your less is more card! Your painting is coming along quite nicely! Keep it up!

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

Love your impressive painting.And your less is more card is superb.
have a nice weekend,
hugs Anja

Valerie-Jael said...

Your painting is coming along very well, love the soft colours. Valerie

Rosietoes said...

Beautiful card and wow! I look forward to the finished result of your painting.
You go girl!!

Edna x

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Love that first piece with the bottle cap. :) And this in progress painting looks gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.:)

Marja's Stamp Addiction en Marja's Creativity said...

Beautiful and lovely paintings and I am wondered for the end results. Your card is marvelous. Love it.
lovely greet

Leovi said...

Lovely, great creations with a delicious combination of pretty colors.

Anonymous said...

yu are as busy as a bee! Each piece you do has your style,, lovely each one..

Tammie Lee said...

this looks wonderful!
i love seeing the stages unfolding.

Jennie Atkinson said...

Your painting is very Monet and it will be lovely to see how it develops. The card is lovely too. Have a good weekend. Jennie

Theresa said...

Love the Monet feel to your painting. I can't wait to see it done. Just lovely. Happy PPF! xo

Virtual Boy said...

Love the look of your painting so far, the colors and textures are beautiful! Looking forward to seeing it finished~
And the card is awesome as well!

// - T.W -

Yvonne said...

Two beauties, Annette! My fave is the white card background with the little bits of colours :)

Unknown said...

oh Annette!!!! wow wow and wow....your work is amazing and that last painting...really took my breath away.....

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, Netty. I am envious of your talent. The beginning background is wonderful, but the progress you've made is even more so. Faye

Lisa Somerville said...

Another wonderful Less is More card, love the colors! Wonderful to see your paint process, can't wait to see the finished piece!

Mandi said...

Super colours Netty, terrific card
You have such a distinctive style
Thank you so much for participating in our quest for 1000 entries

Joni Nickrent said...

oh, wonderful work in seeing the progression! The little card is very nice too! Fun Stuff! POP ART MINIS

Paula Whittaker said...

like the LIM card - very colourful

Heidi said...

I love your painting! Beautiful colours:)
Gorgeous card.
Have a lovely weekend, hugs:)

Jingle said...

Your card is fabulous and your piece is coming along quite nicely! I can't wait to see it finished!

Lilac & Lavender said...

That card is great... you've achieved the 'less is more' look! The painting is very interesting ~ I love the setting & the way you've blended the colors.

Vicky Hayes said...

I've really enjoyed looking at all your amazing work Netty - paintings and cards. Vx

G Peplow said...

Welol Annette, you've done it again, fabulous card for LIM Love your ingenuity and your paintings are developing beautifully:0) Thank you for sharing and I'd love to see the finished painting, no pressure though, Hugs Gay xxx

Chrissie said...

This is a really trendy card!
Thanks again.
"Less is More"

Unknown said...

I think it is Monet looking too. I can't wait to see it done!!

Robin Panzer Art said...

I'm just doing a little Friday Blog hopping. Saw you on Land of Nod and thought I'd pop by for a visit! Lovely work!

Daniele said...

thats wicked Annette

wednesday said...

Your painting is coming together beautifully.

Cynthia Schelzig said...

What a fab card,,,love the colors and looks like you are having a good paint party Friday too! Have a great weekend!

Pam Tucker said...

It's wonderful to see how your painting is coming to life. That texture is awesome! It's beautiful so far, Netty! Can't wait to see the finished piece. :)

Mary C. Nasser said...

Your painting in progress is absolutely lovely!
Reminds me of Manet's work.

Looking forward to seeing it finished at another PPF!
Happy Weekend!

Annette said...

Hi girl, love your less is more card, That is hard to do, doing less. Well done. Now the painting wowo it is coming a long great, anxious to see it finished, Now is you come up with a remedy for flitting to one thing then another let me know. I have become a true bouncer. One thing and then another. Maybe it is our creative minds just working to hard. Have a good weekend. xo

Von said...

I think t's all been said Annette :) but love what you have achived
Von xxx

Laura said...

Great fun LIM card!

Teri said...

Love your bright happy colors. Yes, I'm looking forward to the hats also.

Anonymous said...

your painting is unfolding beautifully.

Brenda Brown said...

Great LIM card and your painting seems to be coming along very nicely.
Have a fabulous weekend.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

Astrid Maclean said...

Your card is lovely but your painting is going to be a real stunner!! Can't wait to see it finished, make sure you show it!!

Meggymay said...

Love your card. Wow, your painting is looking fantastic, like a few folk have already commented, it has the touch of Monet. Yvonne x

McCrafty's Cards said...

The painting is coming along well, I look forward to seeing it finished, love your card, I like the way you have balance the girl on the bunting.
Kevin xx

Terry said...

I for one just love your paintings and this is a great start! Love your card as well! Enjoy your weekend!

Unknown said...

Your LIM card is wonderful. That image is great and I just love that banner.. Your painting looks great! Can't wait to see more my friend...

Hugs, Linda

Sue said...

I love your card Netty, the colours are so vibrant and the image is fab. Your painting is brilliant,I know what you mean about flitting between different things, but I think things turn out better when you do them 'cos you want to rather than 'cos you have to (still can't wait to see it finished though lol ) x

Annabelle said...

I agree Monet influence definitely! Love to sit in such a lovely garden as this. Your work is coming along romantically beautiful..... adore it!

Kristin said...

Hi there!
I LOVE that you showed your painting process - and I agree, it looks very Monet-ish ;) It's romantic and soft and I can't wait to see how it ends up.
Thank you for your visit too - I hope you have a great weekend, xoxo

Geckostone said...

Wow this is coming along fabulously!Can't wait to see it finished, what a beautiful painting! Deb

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Fabulous LIM card!
It´s awesome to be able to see the figures coming out of the background and gaining force.

Linda M. Cain said...

Love your work here! I have the problem of never knowing when to quit. It's a constant struggle for me. I think you've got it just right here!


Kristin Dudish said...

I love the way you've shown the progression of your work! It is wonderful so far and I look forward to seeing it finished!


Elisa said...

great work Annette.. beautiful texture and colors! Elisa

Unknown said...

Oh I SO love it when you show the different stages of your work- it really feels just like being there with you! This is coming along beautifully, and if you've been "flitting about", then it's been to a good purpose- this is GORGEOUS! I can't wait to see it finished!

Ephemera said...

Love the card the colours are such a beautiful combination, so vibrant and I agree your painting has a definite impressionist feel, reminds me of a Manet or Renoir. Have a fab weekend. XX

Giggles said...

It's coming along Netty. Less is more is very fun!! Love it! Happy ppf!

Hugs Giggles

Giggles said...

It's coming along Netty. Less is more is very fun!! Love it! Happy ppf!

Hugs Giggles

coops said...

stunning painting netty,. its going to look fab and i love your cas card :D

xx coops xx

Ileana said...

Loving your process of creating this piece. It's shaping into a fine painting and I cannot wait to see it completed. Thanks for sharing the journey with us!!

Abela said...

I'm sure you will get a good work, you just have to wait for the brush to think for themselves. Saludos

Becca said...

Wow Netti! Your painting is beautiful! Is that oil?

Anonymous said...

Hi sweet Nettie....LOVE how your painting is evolving~it has an impressionistic feel to it. I think it will be lovely when you are finished. Happy PPF even though I couldn't make it this week. Hugs xo

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful work my friend on these. i LOVE the painting
hugs June

Silvia(Barnie) said...

wow, how fantastic. Your LIM card is outstanding. Love it. Also your painting looks wonderful.

Unknown said...

Love the Lim card and wow on the Monet-esque painting... :)

Jolanda said...

I like the way you have shown the progress on your painting - I can't wait to see the finished project.
Your card is great too! the image is stunning and the banner stamps create a good border :)

Kim B said...

Your painting is lovely, you are progressing so well. Card is super. It took me forever to get through you long list of commenters to get to the comment are one sweet, popular lady! I am a bit behind on my blogging and commenting. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Kim

Hybrid J said...

Lovely WIP ... love to see the finished painting!

Andrea C said...

Loving the stages of the painting and your first creation. FAb x

Dolly Daydreams said...

Love the card ! Great stamping and the colours are amazing have really missed seeing your fabulous work. Your WIP is stunning and please bore us with the details i love your details !


maxine said...

Hi Annette stunning work hugs maxine x

Lynn Stevens said...

What a spunky little gal in your card. Adorable!
Your painting is coming along wonderfully, no rush on perfection!
hugs Lynn

GlorV1 said...

It looks great Nettie. I agree with healing woman that it is Monet looking. Very nice.

Heather Foust said...

Ohhhh I love the texture on this! Wow!

Daniele Valois said...

That card is so cute I just can't even take it!!! :D

Jean Franks Beck said...

Hi Netty - Love your LIM card - those colors are stunning! And your painting is amazing! Thanks for showing the progress, it's wonderful to see. Your paintings are becoming so sophisticated.. you are growing so much, right before our very eyes. Thanks for sharing your journey... so inspirational. :)